
Our club is managed through our Management Committee (Commitee) which consists of the Officers of the club.  The Committee is convened by the Secretary of the club and meets no less than six times per year. The Committee is responsible for adopting new policies, codes of conduct and rules that affect the organisation of the club. It also has the power to appoint sub-committees as necessary and appoint advisers to the Committee as necessary to fulfil its business and help operate our Club. It's also responsible for disciplinary hearings of members who infringe the club rules/regulations/constitution and will be responsible for taking any action of suspension or discipline following such hearings.

Our Committee consistes of the following roles :-


  • Responsible for managing the affairs of Guildford International  Volleyball Club
  • Chair and control the meetings of the management committee and AGM
  • Be familiar with the constitution of  Guildford International Volleyball Club, the general rules for committee procedure, current affairs and business in hand
  • Oversee decisions made by the committee and other personnel
  • In conjunction with the secretary and treasurer present the annual report and accounts respectively
  • Be in consultation with the secretary with regards to the content of the agenda and minutes of meetings
  • To keep open communication channels with members of the management committee and inform them of any instant decisions taken
  • Represent the club on external committees and forums as appropriate
  • Act as a club signatory for club cheques.


  • To liaise with the club chairperson with regards to agenda content
  • To take meeting minutes and distribute copies to committee members
  • To be the main contact for the club
  • To deal with the day to day running of the club
  • To respond to any correspondence as appropriate
  • To pass on any information received to relevant parties/persons
  • Act as the initial point of contact for the club
  •  Maintain contact details for all club members and associates
  • Maintain email distribution group for active club members.


  • Responsible for all club finances
  • Produces an annual budget and monitor expenditure
  • Responsible for payment of any monies to and from the club; providing receipts and keeping an up to date record of transactions
  • Oversee the collection of membership fees, standing orders payments & session fees
  • Produce an end of year financial report for the AGM
  • Provides regular reports to the committee on the financial position of the club
  • Act as a signatory for club cheques.

Coaching & Referee Coordinator

  • Ensures that there is a coach present at each club session
  • Work with other club coaches to develop the general playing standard
  • Promotes and facillitates the recruitment, training and allocationof Match Officials

Social Secretary 

  • Arranges a program of social events for club members.

Volunteer Coordinator and New Member Secretary

  • Responds to new player enquiries to the club, primarily from the web site. (
  • Maintain the club Welcome pack and New members leaflet
  • Act as a “welcoming face” for new members

Junior Development Officer 

Publicity Officer

  • Maintains Club Communications incl. refreshing Content on Club Website, Facebook Page and other Social Media Platforms

Fixtures Secretary

  • Responsible for arranging local league fixtures
  • Oversee the booking of venues for fixtures
  • Communicate match details with fixture secretaries from other clubs and Team Organisers within Guildford

Join our club

We are always looking out for new members. Whether you are an experienced player or a complete beginner we will have a training session to suit you.

Get in touch